Special Offer for Kain & Scott ClientsAll of the below apps are found in the Google Play store if you have an Android phone or in the App Store if you have an iPhone. Some are free, some do have a monthly charge. If you use it, it’s worth the monthly fee!
Budgeting Apps:
The below apps allow you to categorize your spending to allow you to see where your money is going each month. Without having to do crazy math in your head they can tell you how much you have to spend on gas, groceries, or a big ticket item.
YNAB (You Need a Budget) IOS (Apple) Android
Every Dollar IOS (Apple) Android
Mint IOS (Apple) Android
Good Budget IOS (Apple) Android
Savings Apps:
The below apps all allow you to automatically set money aside with each purchase or transfer of money to an investment account. Sometimes called a round up account. For example if your purchase at the gas station was $25.75, .25 cents will get rolled over. Some bank accounts will also have this feature to slide money from checking to savings.
Chime IOS (Apple) Android
Digit IOS (Apple) Android
Qapital IOS (Apple) Android
Acorn IOS (Apple) Android
Additional Resources:
Kelly aka the Money Gal is a local money/debt coach. She offers one on one and group coaching surrounding budgeting and getting out of debt. Specifically student loan debt! She is a great resource for figuring out a budget now that you are post-bankruptcy, and should be feeling some breathing room! She offers a discount for Kain and Scott clients.
LSS is a local nonprofit that offers many different types of financial counseling. LSS offers budget and debt counseling as well as student loan debt counseling, and even home buying counseling.